by Administrator | Mar 13, 2018 | Crisis, Reputation
In this article we speak with reputation management expert Janine Lloyd about how to deal with an online PR crisis. How frequently do clients approach you with online crisis and what kind of online PR crises have you dealt with in the past? Weekly. I work with...
by Administrator | Dec 5, 2017 | Reputation
Reputation Management should be embedded into the business plan and entrenched within every area of the business. There is a strong correlation between a company’s reputation and a customer’s willingness to recommend it. While businesses need to focus on...
by Administrator | Dec 4, 2017 | Reputation
Underhand approaches should never be used in Public Relations. Not ever! It is a sad day when Public Relations firms tarnish the reputation of the industry as a whole. For those not in the know a UK-based Public Relations firm, Bell Pottinger came under the...
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